News for the Week of Jan 27th
News from St Kateri for the week of Jan 27
Welcome Father John Nyanzi who will be celebrating Mass with us until Father Muddu returns.
Please join us for Rosary every Thursday until Daily Mass resumes.
-Thursday, January 30 -
12:00 Noon
Thank you for supporting PORT... everything has been signed up for!
If you signed up to bring Fruit, Snack crackers, juice or Vienna Sausages, please bring them by Thursday, Jan 30.
Missionaries to the Family Retreat
Virginia Beach, Feb 14 & 15
Open to all Married and Engaged Couples
Childcare Available
$75 per couple
Register Here
SK Calendar
Father Muddu's Homilies
WeShare Online Giving
SK Event Flyers
The Parish is open Monday - Thursday, 9:00 - 4:00 PM.
(757) 766-3800
Sent by
Gigi Nieman
on Monday, January 27 at 6:45PM